Blog ini hanya memaparlan PENDAPAT PERIBADI si penulis..anda BOLEH bace,tp DILARANG SAMA SEKALI @ 2 KALI @ BEBERAPA KALI SELEPASnyer menggunakan bahan2 yg ade disini untuk tujuan yang tidak MUNASABAH..setiap org ade pendapat masing2, termasuklah si penulis...


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Cinta & Kawan

Satu hari CINTA & KAWAN berjalan dalam kampung... Tiba-tiba CINTA terjatuh dalam telaga... Kenapa??

Kerana CINTA itu buta.. Lalu KAWAN pun ikut terjun dalam telaga... Kenapa??

Kerana... KAWAN akan buat apa sahaja demi CINTA !! Di dalam telaga CINTA hilang... Kenapa??

Kerana... CINTA itu halus, mudah hilang kalau tak dijaga, sukar dicari apatah lagi dalam telaga yang gelap...Sedangkan KAWAN masih lagi tercari-cari dimana CINTA & terus menunggu.. Kenapa??

Kerana... KAWAN itu sejati & akan kekal sebagai KAWAN yang setia...kan ?? so, hargai lah KAWAN kita kerana KAWAN akan selalu ada disaat kita memerlukannya.......Ingatlah...

Walau kita punya couple, teman still paling setia.

Walau kita punya harta banyak, teman still paling berharga.

Sayang awak!!

BFF Going Somewhere - 2011


walaupun dah agak lama gamba ni di ambil, namun masih blm terlambat untuk mengupdate ia sebagai satu kenangan... Best Friends Forever Going Somewhere.. Trip ke Kota Kinabalu pada 14-17 July 2011....

Saya & Aidil di balai berlepas LCCT..
Aidil & Noyu masa sampai kat airport KK..
1st day : travel by car to Gunung Kinabalu..
berhenti di satu pekan utk breakfast sblm meneruskan perjalanan ke Gunung Kinabalu.. Berlatar belakangkan Gunung Kinabalu... tp gunung x nampak sbb KAMI...

Kaki Gunung Kinabalu - dari kiri : Noyu, Juren, Ayu & Me...
Timpohon View, kaki Gunung Kinabalu..
Welcome to Gunung Kinabalu... :)
Pasar malam kat sini best...byk seafood....eat all u can - must paid with your own money.. somewhere near Pasar Filipina..
jeti Sutera Harbour..waiting for boat 2 Pulau Manukan & Pulau Mamutik...

ready utk snorkeling.....

walaupun hanya 2 hari berada di Kota Kinabalu, namun dia berbaloi.... thank u guys 4 a such wonderful trip...

Words Salad 4 The Soul:
"U won't grow old & wise,
if u're not young & crazy..."

Hello 2012...


last update was few weeks back... hermmmm...ada blog cam x der blog jer...bila x der blog, cam nak jer ada somewhere 2 write something..

tgk blog org laen berduyun2 di follow & bertambah2 trafik.. blog aku?? LOL... writing something here just for fun not 2 promote myself to a stranger.. cam sangap sangat lak kalo cam tu..hahaha...

byk bende jd.. cam la sblm ni x de bende jd, kan???

summary of 2011;

1. status : single ( since May 2009)
2. my BFF : Noyu - still u r the best beb..
3. 365 days had passed away..
4. 1 trip with my beloved friends...
5. Faris was born in Jun...
6. working with 13 of my classmates in the same hospital...

actually byk bende dah jd..tp itu jer la yg aku rasa cam patut di mention...ahaks..


Words Salad 4 The Soul:
"There's always Hell in Hello,
& Good in Goodbye.."

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Convo Part 1...


dah lama x mengepos...dah bersawang dah wall..ahaks...just nak share gamba bajet lawa di hari konvokesyen terbesar yg pernah dianjurkan oleh Institut Latihan Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (ILKKM) yg di adakan di Kolej Kesihatan Bersekutu (KSKB) Ulu Kinta pada 5 Disember hingga 10 Disember...

belakang : azam (sudah berpunya)
tepi sblh kiri : Fatini (menghampiri pertukaran status)


Sunday, November 27, 2011

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

After A Long Break..

He met her after a long break up...

He told her : Sorry, I’ve met a new one, I have a new girlfriend and another future… How about your life?

She closed her eyes to hide her tears, remembered all the memories she shared with him. She remembered how she shared his pain before his happy moments and how she refused many other boys just to stay with him.

She kept the remains of her pride and collected her force, smiled and said : Sorry Sir, but do i know you?

I Know You're Not...

Sunday, October 16, 2011

I hate u... girl's language...

If She Don't Text You :
-Its Because She's Waiting For You To Text Her

When She Walks Away From You Mad :
-Follow Her

When Shes Quiet :
-Ask Her What's Wrong

When She Ignores You :
-Give Her Your Attention

When She Pushes YOU AWAY :
-Pull Her BACK

When You See Her Crying :
-Wipe Her Tears & Ask What's Wrong

When She Says Go Away :
-Just Go Close To Her & Give Her Hug ♥

When the past keep on hunting me in the future...


i was replying and leaving some comments on FB when i come across my best friend's status;

"'the thing' has changed my life..
i don't know if i can get through it with it or not..
ruined everything..."
stresssssssssssss outttttttt!!!

i asked her, r u ok??then she replied "think about what we've done b4 mi.."

i was startled...we've done so many things when we're young...some were right things 2 do n some just try-n-error things...so i can't guess which 1...

yeah i think bout it a lot...bout the past...every single day..what was right n what was wrong... never missed.. but life must go on... i made mistakes yes...sometimes same mistakes but that's life.. you'll make some mistakes in order to gain experience and growing older and wiser (perhaps)...

I MADE MISTAKES.. yes, i admit that... some mistakes can't be reversed, make me committed to self-blaming, full of regrets and i wish to go back to the day when i was young to undo everything... but that's impossible....

i told her:

"what goes around comes around.. let bygone be bygone..
we've been through this once and no matter how many times it comes to hunt us after this, we gonna make through it just like old days..
life will knock us down sometimes but remember the floor is cold n u need to get up..
when we long 4 life w/out difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure..
u know i will always be here, like old days..."

a mistake was made to teach us something... either we learn the lesson or not it's up to our self.. me, myself learn the lesson of life in the hardest way.. the mistake i made teach me how to be strong in order to survive in this cruel, sympathy-less world..

we might not be able to choose where to begin our journey but we can choose where to end it... the choice is yours...

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Put the blame on me....Please do so...


You asked me whose life was more important -
yours or mine and i answered "mine";
you walked away angry not knowing that you are my life...

i used to call myself, "yours" but then i realize that it's not worth it... it is better for girl to sleep a hundred years and be kissed and awakened by the right prince than to stay awake and be kissed a hundred times by the wrong frog..

i wish i had the guts to walk away from what we had.. but i can't because i know u won't come after me and that's what hurts the most...

Dear V,
i can't make u love me, want me or understand me...
all i can do is hope that someday u will...

i hope u will...
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